
This Is What Your Voice Says About You

What does singing have to do with speaking? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Recently, I attended Roger Love’s “Voice of Success” seminar. If you don’t know Roger Love, he’s the #1 Vocal Coach to the stars. He’s worked with everyone from John Mayer to Stevie Wonder and Gwen Stefani…there’s far too many to […]

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How To Make The Most Of Networking Meetings

As a business owner, I used to view coffee meetings and networking lunches as just a to-do; a necessary component of building and growing my coaching and consulting business. Over the years, my perspective has changed. It has evolved into seeing these meetings as another chance to not only learn from someone else, but also […]

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A Culture of Accountability: What is it and how can we create it?

Nearly every leader that I work with shares a common issue, and that is in building and creating a culture of accountability that is comprised of engaged employees. What exactly is a culture of accountability? Turns out, not many people know. In 2015, the number one word searched in online dictionaries was “culture.” Today in […]

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Do We Really Understand the Unique Work of the Chief Executive? Copy

As Peter Drucker once said, “The CEO is the link between the Inside that is ‘the organization,’ and the Outside of society, economy, technology, markets, and customers. Inside there are only costs. Results are only on the outside.” Get a better understanding of your world as a CEO with this brilliant article that my colleague, Allen Hauge recently suggested: What Only the CEO Can […]

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