
What Will You Say NO To This Year?

The beginning of a new year is rich with potential and possibility. The messages from the media are all about “achieving more, getting more” and setting new goals. It’s all supposed to be so exciting and fun. Unfortunately, this can actually create the opposite effect and cause overwhelm, stress, and pressure in hitting the ground […]

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Simplified Goal Setting for 2017

Ready or not, it’s upon us: Year end 2016! For business leaders, it can be challenging to manage all of the extra holiday downtime and still finish the year strong along with a solid plan to get Q1 off to a strong start. Yet, savvy leaders are proactive in creating momentum for the New Year […]

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To My Lid-Lifters: Thank You

This Thanksgiving, like every other I’m grateful for many things. This year, I’m especially grateful for having some incredible people in my life, past and present, who have really made – and continue to make a huge impact on my life. In John Maxwell’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (a text that I refer […]

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Template: An Employee Development Plan for Accountability and Trust

Building a culture of accountability and trust where employees are engaged can seem like a difficult task. How do you create behavior change on an individual level to work towards improving culture and what’s more, how can you measure the ROI of your efforts with something intangible as culture? Is it a skill issue, a […]

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